Monday, March 21, 2011

Participate @ the Eclipse Testing Survey

As an Eclipser testing matters to you! But when and why do you adopt a given testing approach? How do you test the integration of multiple plug-ins? Please take some minutes and share your experience in the Eclipse Testing Survey.
Click here to take survey!

What is the study’s aim?
This survey aims to shed light on the testing culture within the Eclipse community. The anonymized results of the study will be compiled and made available.

How to participate?
Please fill in our online survey at

Who are we looking for?
We are looking for Eclipse plug-in developers and testers, as well as for developers and testers of Rich Client Platform applications.

Who conducts the research?
The research is promoted by the Software Engineering Group at the Delft University of Technology. The study is designed by Michaela Greiler and Professor Arie van Deursen.